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About Emeraldwise

With expertise in distributed product development and and platform strategy, Emeraldwise helps companies discover and apply new insights when launching products and services.

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Our Expertise

Our experience spans multiple industries and functions. Much of our current work is in two areas:

  • Distributed product development, or the outsourcing and offshoring of complex product and service development work.
  • Platform strategy, or managing information intensive, platform businesses such as credit card transaction processing, computer operating systems, real estate brokerage, shopping malls, stock exchanges, video games, and web search services.

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Our Services

While we engage in many types of projects, two typical ways are strategy development and organizational alignment.

  • Strategy development: Helping clients develop winning strategies when faced with challenges and uncertainty in areas such as platform markets, product development, portfolio management, and supply chain networks.
  • Organizational alignment: Implementing and executing strategy through workshop facilitation, keynote speaking, executive education, and teaching simulations.

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The Outsourcing Game

Because of outsourcing, decisions that were once made unilaterally are now driven by negotiations, coalition formation, and co-dependent collaboration.

To better prepare managers, engineers, and technical contributors for the changing nature of supply chain management, give them hands-on experience with a learning simulation called "The Outsourcing Game."

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